His part in making the message and devotion to Divine Mercy known in the Church and the world can not be under estimated.

Blessed Sopocko was there with Saint during the painting of the original Image.                                                                  

He celebrated the first ever Feast of Divine Mercy.                                                                                                                    

He founded the Sisters of Merciful Jesus, asked for by God, to  spread His message of Divine Mercy, he did this after Saint Faustina died

He went to Cardinal Karol Wojtyla in Krakow to tell him about Sr. Faustina and asked him to bring her cause forward.

The Image that appeared to St. Faustina is that of the risen Christ

as He appeared to the apostles in the

upper room on the first day of the week.

(from the Diary of Blessed Michael  Sopocko)

“ The image of Divine Mercy

is key to understanding all forms

of Devotion to God’s Mercy

and at the same time,

is their synthesis as well. ”                            

(Diary of Blessed Michael Sopocko)  


His cause is now going forward for Sainthood.

Prayer for canonisation of Blessed Sopocko.


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